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    • Tectonic Plates

      Published 26/01/24

      4W have been learning all about tectonic plates this half term. Ask us about the layers of the earth, magma, earthquakes & volcanoes and we'll be sure to answer confidently!

      Our Geography learning has inspired some of the children to produce some wonderful home learning! I have been blown away this week by their talent this week. Take a look..

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    • Nursery Come Learn With Me

      Published 26/01/24

      This week we had our first Nursery ‘come learn with me’. We had lots of families join us for the morning and share our learning on our theme ‘Winter’. We have been exploring ice and how it changes state.

      Creating an artic small world in cornflour and making our own model igloos.

      Thank you to those families that were able to join us.

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    • An exciting and enriching week in 2S

      Published 26/01/24

      What a busy week! We have been bringing our RE and history learning to life this week, meeting a faith leader from our local community and teaching our parents all about the Windrush Generation in our sharing assembly.

      Last term, we learned all about Islam and objects that are special to Muslims. This term, we are learning about what is important to Jewish people. On Thursday, Rabbi Roni from the Stoke Newington Schul came to talk all about Judaism. We learned that Jewish people sometimes wear special clothing to remind them God is with them. I was proud of the great questions the children asked, and how they handled special objects including a mezuzah and a kippah respectfully and carefully.

      After working very hard in rehearsals all week, 2S wowed their sharing assembly audience by presenting all their learning about the Windrush Generation. We said a big thank you to people who have worked in all sorts of professions, and have brought so much to the UK. In particular, we celebrated Mrs Rigg and Caxton Holder, two members of our local community (played by Ariana and Kevin!) The children spoke, sang and danced so confidently. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came and celebrated with us!

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    • Year 6 students ace coordinates with iPads

      Published 19/01/24

      The Year 6 children have been incredibly engaged during their maths lessons about coordinates. Using their iPads, they have practised their skills in translating shapes and were able to find the new coordinates. 

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    • Start of Spring 1

      Published 15/01/24

      The start of the term is already packed with exciting opportunities for learning.

      Year 4 have made their own examples of the layers of the earth to start their geography topic. They have had a trip to Dalston Library which was a great chance for book talk. This passion for reading has continued in the classroom with their new library books.

      In maths, there have been some great opportunities for out of book learning in our fractions topic.

      This week we used Cuisenaire rods to represent mixed numbers. We are excited to explore these topics further this half term!

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    • Celebrating Our Differences

      Published 15/01/24

      In Autumn 2, Shacklewell enjoyed learning all about how to embrace and value the differences that make each person special and unique in our schoolwide topic, Celebrating Differences.

      Key Stage 1 learnt all about the similarities and differences between themselves and why it is our differences that make us all unique and interesting. A Year 1 child said, “I like coming to school as everybody around me is different and that’s fun.”

      In Year 2, they learnt all about what makes boys and girls different and why we shouldn’t make assumptions based on gender. They were so excited to tell me all about their learning and that it’s not just boys who love football or girls that love the colour pink.

      In Key Stage 2, Year 4 learnt why it is important not to judge a person by how they look and why doing this might lead to a missed opportunity of forming a great friendship! One Year 4 child said we mustn't judge people by how they look as it is ‘cruel and unkind’.

      Lastly, Year 5 enjoyed learning all about community and why we should welcome everyone into our community, regardless of their race, gender, sex or age. They couldn’t wait to show me their work and spoke so passionately about how they all feel like our school in one big family. Take a look at the wonderful banners they made!

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    • Exploring programming

      Published 15/01/24

      Year 3 are Junior's no more! Today they have advanced from junior programmers to more advanced programming environments. Using their knowledge of programming from Scratch Jr, they applied these to create more complex algorithms. This allowed them to program movement, sound effects and characters.

      Each week we hope to build on this knowledge in their Computing lessons developing the skills in:

      Create a Task - understand what is needed

      Design - what it should do

      Code - how it is done

      Running the code - what it does

      As you can imagine, 3W are very excited for this half terms learning.

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    • Shacklewell Bulletin - Week 1 - Spring 2024

      Published 12/01/24

      Bulletin - Week 1 - Spring 2024

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    • Shacklewell FC smash their way to victory!

      Published 10/01/24

      On Tuesday 9th January our key stage 2 football teams took part in local Hackney fixtures. The girls team secured a 4-1 victory against Betty Layward and a 3-0 win against William Patton.

      The boys team also had a successful match against Betty Layward winning 7-2, with 4 goals scored from goal kicks.

      In their match against William Patton, the boys team showed great determination and ability to bounce back from 3-1 into earning a hard-fought 3-3 draw.

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    • Children in Need - Be Spot..tacular! Non-uniform Day

      Published 21/11/23

      A huge thank you to the wonderful parents of our school for their generous donations!

      We are overjoyed to announce that we were able to raise £370,89, which will go towards Children In Need!

      Your kindness and support is greatly appreciated.

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    • 4W's Roman Invasion Adventure

      Published 21/11/23

      Year 4 have been learning all about the Romans this half term in History and 4W shared some of their knowledge in this weeks sharing assembly! We went all out with our costumes and we really put on a show!

      From the Roman Legion to Boudicca, the Celts to Pompeii, it really was an assembly full of facts and laughs.

      Thank you to all of the 4W grown ups who were able to attend and, if you couldn't make it, take a look at the photographs!

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    • Road safety workshop

      Published 21/11/23

      This week preschool were very lucky to have a visit from our local Lollipop person who taught us how to cross the road safely. The children learnt about ‘stop’, ‘look’ and listen’, practiced crossing a zebra crossing and even got the chance to dress up as a lollipop person.

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