The Launch of Playground Pals!
I have been thrilled to meet with our well-being ambassadors over the last few weeks and strategize over how we can make our playground an even safer and happier place to be. As a team, we decided to launch Playground Pals and we had the privilege of doing so in the first Anti-Bullying Week assembly of the week.
Playground Pals are carefully selected children in the year groups 1-6 who are there to support children who are feeling a little bit low or down in the playground. The well-being ambassadors made it clear to the children that more serious issues must always be reported to the teachers.
The pictures of our Playground Pals are on display in the playgrounds so that children know who they can turn to (and some of the pictures you can see here!). The children also wear bright hi-vis slap-bands so that they can be easily recognised.
Thank you so much to our well-being ambassadors for creating this wonderful idea, and thank you to our Playground Pals for your kindness and support!